Cutting Edge. Your Local on-line TV Station bringing you the best about Swansea

Thursday 18 August 2011

Here is our new logo and name. We are now Swan TV. You can find us at Easy to read, easy to remember.

Our new logo is already being recognised around Swansea when our presenters are out and about wearing their new polo shirts and hoodies with the new logo splashed across the from and back. Yesterday we were in Castle Square and today walking through the Indoor Market. We were constantly asked about Swan TV.

These are now available as tee-shirts, hoodies and polos. Colours sky blue, pink, red and black, although we may change the colour range. Sizes small, medium, large and extra large. Each has a small breast logo on the front and a large logo on the back with "Crew" underneath as per the samples shown here.

This is an exciting time and you can be part of the project by wearing your Swan TV top around town. Our special prices

Tee-Shirts  £8.99
Polo Shirts £9.99
Hoodies £16.99

All prices exclude postage and packing
Available to order now on 07976 364681

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